Thursday, September 20, 2007

To Marry or Not to Marry?

CNN has an article about marriage or rather, about people deciding not to wed.

My husband and I had a similar discussion before we married. He didn't like the religious overtones to even the most non-religious of American weddings, but we ended up having a JP marry us to make the INS process much easier. It's strange. Marriage really does grant invisible benefits. I can remember talking to a woman on the phone, maybe when we were changing car insurance companies, who said "now, since you're not married ..." and I said, "We ARE married." And all was well. Our car insurance went down by a huge chunk with that 3-word sentence. When I had health insurance through work, it was expected that I put my husband on. Why is this limited to heterosexual married people? Do non-religious or homosexual people not matter as much? I don't think so.

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